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≪広島教区 宣教司牧活動の基本方針≫

  1. 「平和の使徒となろう」を広島教区固有の召命とし、あらゆる活動の源泉とします。
  2. 「平和」「きょうどう」「養成」を三つの柱とします。



広島教区の今年の標語は、『信仰イキイキ 新たな出発 ~わたしを遣わしてください~』です。復活の主に出会った弟子たちは「わたしたちの心は燃えていたではないか」(ルカ24・32)と確認しあい、信仰に目覚めました。あの弟子たちに与えられた福音宣教に向かう同じ信仰の恵みを祈り求め、「わたしを遣わしてください」と願いながら、希望のうちに最善を尽くしてまいりましょう。

2006年4月16日 復活の祝日
広島教区司教 ヨゼフ 三末 篤實

The Bishop’s Proclamation Concerning Evangelization ” Let Us Become Apostles of Peace.”

“Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” ( John 20:21)

Happy Easter! Reminding the word that resurrected Our Lord Jesus Christ told his disciples, I, as the Bishop of Hiroshima Diocese, would like to newly write it in our heart that “we have been sent in order to proclaim the peace in Christ”.

We are entrusted to conduct a sublime mission of evangelization in Hiroshima Diocese covering the five prefectures in Chugoku District (Okayama, Tottori, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Hiroshima). With the opening of a new millennium, we held a diocesan assembly with the theme of “Put out in the deep.” in October 2002 and made a new step forward.

Then we commemorated “the 80th Anniversary since the Establishment of Hiroshima Diocese” in 2003. This was followed the commemoration of “the 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of ‘Memorial Cathedral for World Peace’ in 2004. The Cathedral is the mother church of Hiroshima Diocesan faithful community.

Continuing this line, we had “Hiroshima Diocesan Representatives’ Assembly” on November 23, 2005 trying to devise ‘the fundamental policy and subjects to be prioritized. The assembly organized on the initiative of the faithful culminated in great joy as well as new fervor and hope.

Accepting the proposals of “Hiroshima Diocesan Representatives’ Assembly” and in line with the past few years, I, the Bishop of Hiroshima Diocese hereby proclaim the fundamental policy of Evangelical activities of Hiroshima Diocese.

The Fundamental Policy of Evangelical Activities of Hiroshima Diocese

  1. “Let us become apostles of peace.” We proclaim this to be our vocation, proper to Hiroshima Diocese and the source of every activity.
  2. We proclaim three priorities: “Peace”, “Collaboration”, and “Formation”.

In order to implement this proclamation, I present the concrete objectives in dealing with miscellaneous subjects accumulated in Hiroshima Diocese. In addition to this, I requested three working teams to promote the policy to make the “Guidelines”( reference material No. 2 ) so that every member of us who deal with the three priorities and the respective subjects may implement them. I will also present the “Guidelines” hoping that you may be encouraged to utilize them in our diocese, the three districts, blocks, and parish churches.

The slogan of Hiroshima Diocese for2006 is “Renew our faith, and make a fresh start. Say to the Lord: Send me.” The disciples on their way to Emmaus who met the resurrected Lord reconfirmed each other saying, “Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures to us?” Let us pray and seek for the grace of the same faith as the disciples’ heading for evangelization entrusted to us and make our utmost efforts.

Bishop of Hiroshima Diocese Atsumi Misue

『聖書 新共同訳』

(c)共同訳聖書実行委員会 Executive Committee of The Common Bible Translation

(c)日本聖書協会 Japan Bible Society , Tokyo 1987,1988


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