カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- AMERICA/COSTA RICA – Hydroelectric project: communities meet the Bishop to deal with the problem
- ASIA/HOLY LAND – Monastery of Bethlehem set on fire, Palestinian President calls the Maronite Patriarch
- ASIA/IRAQ – The Synod of the Chaldean Church convened in Rome at the end of October
- AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA – The Bishops joined the protest march of citizens: “Concrete actions against corruption”
- With the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, October, month of the missions begins
- AMERICA/PANAMA – Mgr. Aguilar: “The government must stop gambling because it impoverishes families”
- ASIA – Asian Bishops sign a petition on climate
- ASIA/PAKISTAN – Christians imprisoned for blasphemy fear an extrajudicial murder
- ASIA/CAMBODIA – Parents involved in preparing meals in school canteens
- AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA – More clashes, but people want the stability of institutions
L’Osservatore Romano
- Mass at Santa Marta- Nostalgia for God (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
Press Office
- Udienza ai partecipanti al Capitolo generale dei Missionari Comboniani del Cuore di Gesù (ローマ教皇Comboni Missionariesメンバーとの会見)
- Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del Messaggio del Santo Padre Francesco per la Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e del Rifugiato (17 gennaio 2016) (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ の記者発表)
- Messaggio del Santo Padre per la Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e del Rifugiato 2016 (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ )
- Avviso di Briefing
- Rinunce e nomine
- Dalle Chiese Orientali
- Promulgazione di Decreti della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi (列聖省令)
- Le Udienze
- Le Lettere Credenziali dell’Ambasciatore di Uruguay presso la Santa Sede
- Francis praises the great spiritual and missionary heritage of the Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (ローマ教皇Comboni Missionariesメンバーとの会見)
- Migrants and refugees challenge us: the response of the Gospel of mercy (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ )
- Presentation of the Pope’s message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees: “Emigration is not the juxtaposition of cultures, but rather an encounter of peoples” (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ の記者発表)
- Decrees for the Causes of Saints (列聖省令)
- Audiences
- Pontifical Acts – 1 October
Vatican Radio
- 27th Sunday – October 4, 2015
- Philippines: Children Risk Death to Dig and Dive For Gold
- Presentation of Message for World Day of Migrants (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ の記者発表)
- Pope encourages Comboni Missionaries in General Chapter (ローマ教皇Comboni Missionariesメンバーとの会見)
- Cardinal Parolin visits Holy See pavilion at Milan Expo
- Promulgation of Decrees for causes of Saints (列聖省令)
- Pope Francis at daily Mass: joy of the Lord our strength (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
- 2016 Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees (2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ )
- Kenya: Eucharistic Congress ahead of Pope Francis’ Visit
- Pope Francis blesses statue of Saint Rita of Cascia
- Holy See: No proper response to intolerance against Christians
- Holy See: Christians must be allowed to participate in public life
- Oklahoma governor stays execution of Richard Glossip
提供 (Presented by )
- Papa: nel nostro cuore non si spenga mai la nostalgia di Dio (2015-10-01)(ローマ教皇朝ミサダイジェスト)
- Papa: siate servitori e messaggeri del Vangelo (2015-10-01)(ローマ教皇Comboni Missionariesメンバーとの会見ダイジェスト)
- 2016年「世界難民移住移動者の日 」ローマ教皇メッセージ (World Day of Migrants and Refugees)
掲載日 | 2015年10月5日 |
更新日 | 2015年10月5日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,915 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース37本紹介(2015年10月02日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース31本紹介(2015年09月30日付) |