カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- ASIA/CAMBODIA – Forcible return for the Vietnamese “Montagnards”
- AFRICA/BURKINA FASO – “A predictable coup since Compaoré’s praetorian guard was not dissolved” say Fides sources
- AFRICA/DR CONGO – Uncontrollable epidemic of measles: 23,000 people infected
- ASIA/YEMEN – A church devastated by fire in Aden
- ASIA/PAKISTAN – To commemorate the “Christian heroes”
- AMERICA/BOLIVIA – Intervention of Mgr. Scarpellini on the candidacy of Morales: “Alternation is an expression of democracy”
- AMERICA/VENEZUELA – Crisis with Colombia: “Governments have not done their best to solve the crisis”, said Mgr. Padron
- AFRICA/NIGERIA – 60% of children are victims of abuse and violence of all kinds
- ASIA/ISRAEL – The Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem: no more discrimination against Christian schools
L’Osservatore Romano
- The Pope calls for non-violent solutions to conflicts in Syria and Iraq and, speaking of the women and children of the street, he recalls that all people have dignity which must be defended – An ocean of pain (ローマ教皇開発援助促進評議会主催の難民支援会議参加者との謁見)
- L’Osservatore Romano’s weekly edition in Malayalam 14-21 August 2015
- The Cardinal Archbishop of Washington on the Holy Father’s visit to the United States -To walk with Francis
Press Office
- Comunicato della Sala Stampa: Udienza al Primo Ministro del Granducato di Lussemburgo (ローマ教皇ルクセンブルク首相との謁見)
- Udienza ai partecipanti all’Incontro promosso dal Pontificio Consiglio “Cor Unum” sulla crisi umanitaria siriana e irachena (ローマ教皇開発援助促進評議会主催の難民支援会議参加者との謁見)
- Udienza ai partecipanti al Simposio Internazionale sulla Pastorale della Strada, promosso dal Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti (Roma, 13-17 settembre 2015) (ローマ教皇移住・移動者司牧評議会主催のシンポジウム参加者との謁見)
- Udienza ai partecipanti al Convegno Internazionale per i Giovani Consacrati (ローマ教皇世界青年奉献者会議参加者との謁見)
- Le Udienze
- Audience with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg: assistance to refugees and displaced persons (ローマ教皇ルクセンブルク首相との謁見)
- To young consecrated persons: prophecy, closeness, memory and adoration (ローマ教皇世界青年奉献者会議参加者との謁見)
- The Church cannot remain silent as women and children live on the streets (ローマ教皇移住・移動者司牧評議会主催のシンポジウム参加者との謁見)
- The Pope: no-one can remain oblivious to the atrocities and human rights violations in Syria and Iraq (ローマ教皇開発援助促進評議会主催の難民支援会議参加者との謁見)
Vatican Radio
- Migrants break police lines on Croatia-Serbia border
- Chilean earthquake forces one million to evacuate homes
- Caritas Europe: migrant crisis highlights EU solidarity crisis
- Card. Parolin on Papal visit to Cuba and the U.S.
- Burkina Faso’s Presidential guard officers seize power in a coup
- Blasts in Nepal churches after rejection of Hindu state proposal
- Aleppo Bishop: Only 50,000 Christians left in city
- Pope calls for peaceful solution to wars in Syria and Iraq (ローマ教皇開発援助促進評議会主催の難民支援会議参加者との謁見)
- Caritas Secretary General on humanitarian action in Middle East
- Pope Francis to consecrated youth: service without stint (ローマ教皇世界青年奉献者会議参加者との謁見)
- European bishops urge support for Christians in Holy Land
- Pope Francis urges greater care for street women and children (ローマ教皇移住・移動者司牧評議会主催のシンポジウム参加者との謁見)
提供 (Presented by )
- Il Papa: ogni bambino abbandonato è un grido a Dio (2015-09-17)(ローマ教皇移住・移動者司牧評議会主催のシンポジウム参加者との謁見ダイジェスト)
- World Meeting for Young Consacrated – Papal Audience 2015.09.17 (ローマ教皇世界青年奉献者会議参加者との謁見)
- 教皇「紛争は人の良心を破壊する」「悪に善で応えよう」難民支援ミーティングに(バチカン放送局)
掲載日 | 2015年9月19日 |
更新日 | 2015年9月19日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,584 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース40本紹介(2015年09月18日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース31本紹介(2015年09月16日付) |