カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- NORTHERN EUROPE – Confirmation of the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies
- AMERICA – New web portal of CELAM, to reach the “suburbs” of the continent
- ASIA/PHILIPPINES – The Director of the PMS: “The Pope in the Philippines shows us mercy towards the last”
- OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Twenty years with Blessed Peter ToRot, an example for every Christian
- AMERICA/HONDURAS – Over 3000 child beggars on the streets of big cities
- ASIA/LEBANON – Maronite League: a UN resolution against the attacks on religions is needed
- AFRICA/EGYPT – The Coptic Patriarch Tawadros: the cartoons on Muhammad are offensive
- AFRICA/NIGER – Project of a social-medical centre in Dosso, for the welfare of women and children
- AMERICA/ARGENTINA – Divine Word Missionaries from Asia, Africa and Oceania work in Argentina
L’Osservatore Romano
- The heart of the people (ローマ教皇フィリピンへの機上での記者会見)
Press Office
- Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Sri Lanka e Filippine (12-19 gennaio 2015) – Conferenza Stampa nel volo da Colombo a Manila (ローマ教皇フィリピンへの機上での記者会見)
- Comunicato a conclusione dell’Incontro dei Presidenti delle Commissioni Dottrinali delle Conferenze Episcopali europee a Esztergom (Ungheria, 13-15 gennaio 2015)
- Accordo tra la Santa Sede e la Repubblica di Serbia sulla collaborazione nell’insegnamento superiore
- Rinunce e nomine
- Dalle Chiese Orientali
- Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Sri Lanka e Filippine (12-19 gennaio 2015) – La partenza da Colombo e l’arrivo a Manila (ローマ教皇マニラ空港到着)
- Pope Francis arrives in Manila (ローマ教皇マニラ空港到着)
- Accord between the Holy See and Serbia
- Pontifical Acts 15 January
Vatican Radio
- Fr. Lombardi and the Francis effect on Sri Lankans
- From St John Paul to Francis: message to youth
- Persevere in building peace in ‘little steps’, says Order of Malta chief
- Professor Mbiti translates New Testament into kiKamba from Greek
- Pope Francis canonises St. Joseph Vaz, Sri Lanka’s first saint (ローマ教皇スリランカ司牧訪問ミサ)
- St. Teresa of Avila’s walking stick arrives in Nairobi, Kenya
- Pope Francis: Marian Prayer at the Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu (ローマ教皇ロザリオの祈り(スリランカ司牧訪問))
- Sri Lanka: Prisoners released in view of Pope’s visit
- Pope Francis praises outgoing Italian president Napolitano
- UN urges Nigerian govt to facilitate investigation into attacks
- Twelve civilians killed in Ukraine bus attack
- Fr Lombardi on positive impact of Pope’s visit to Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka priest: Canonization Mass had a “beautiful atmosphere” (ローマ教皇スリランカ司牧訪問ミサ)
- Pope Francis: social flourishing needs religious freedom (ローマ教皇スリランカ司牧訪問ミサ)
- Pope Francis: homily for canonization of St Joseph Vaz (ローマ教皇スリランカ司牧訪問ミサ)
- US Ambassador Hackett: countering extremism, Ebola
- ‘Popemania’ hits the Philippines ahead of papal trip
- International Clergy Conference participants commit themselves to Pope Francis’ call to evangelisation
提供 (Presented by )
- Papa Francesco: ogni religione ha dignità e va rispettata (2015-01-15)(ローマ教皇フィリピンへの機上での記者会見ダイジェスト)
- Pope in Philippines – Arrival at Manilla Airport – 2015.01.15 (ローマ教皇マニラ空港到着)
- Pope in Sri Lanka – Holy Mass – 2015.01.14 (ローマ教皇スリランカ司牧訪問ミサ)
- Pope in Sri Lanka – Prayer in Madhu Sanctuary – 2015.01.14 (ローマ教皇ロザリオの祈り(スリランカ司牧訪問))
掲載日 | 2015年1月19日 |
更新日 | 2015年1月19日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,956 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース48本紹介(2015年01月16日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース31本紹介(2015年01月14日付) |