Visit to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe – 2014.11.25 (ローマ教皇欧州議会訪問)
キーワード(索引語): ローマ教皇メッセージ,ローマ教皇庁,動画,教皇フランシスコ,祈り・福音の教え・信仰教育
ローマ教皇庁(バチカン・聖座)が公開した映像「Visit to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe – 2014.11.25 (ローマ教皇欧州議会訪問)」を紹介します。
- Pope Francis in Strasbourg and COMECE: expectations (NEWS.VA)
- Pope Francis in Strasbourg: a visit with a European flavour (NEWS.VA)
- During his visit to Strasbourg the Pope entrusts to members of Parliament the mission of caring for the fragility of peoples and persons – Between dignity and transcendence (NEWS.VA)
- A call to the Council of Europe to move toward the future to rediscover that youthfulness of spirit which made this continent great – Memory, courage, utopian vision (NEWS.VA)
- A monumental even in European history – Behind the Pontiff’s addresses in Strasbourg (NEWS.VA)
- Visita di Sua Santità Francesco al Parlamento Europeo e al Consiglio d’Europa (25 novembre 2014): Telegrammi nel volo Strasburgo – Roma (NEWS.VA)
- Visita di Sua Santità Francesco al Parlamento Europeo e al Consiglio d’Europa (25 novembre 2014): Discorso al Consiglio d’Europa (NEWS.VA)
- Visita di Sua Santità Francesco al Parlamento Europeo e al Consiglio d’Europa (25 novembre 2014): Discorso al Parlamento Europeo (NEWS.VA)
- Francis prays for the intercession of the Virgin for his trip to Strasbourg (NEWS.VA)
- The Pope to the European Parliament: dignity and transcendence, key concepts for the future of Europe (NEWS.VA))
- Francis at the Council of Europe: imposed peace is not enough – it must be loved, free and fraternal (NEWS.VA)
- EP President Schultz: “Europe looks to Pope for orientation” (NEWS.VA)
- Pope Francis: Address to European Parliament – full text (NEWS.VA)
- Pope in Strasbourg: The EU, an outsiders perspective (NEWS.VA)
- Pope Francis: Address to the Council of Europe (NEWS.VA)
- Pope urges a “lonely” “self-absorbed” Europe to recover its soul (NEWS.VA)
- With Pope Francis in Strasbourg (NEWS.VA)
- 教皇、ストラスブールで欧州議会を訪問(バチカン放送局)
- 教皇が欧州議会で演説、移民受け入れ促す(CJC通信)
関連ツィート The challenge of human rights recognition in Europe #EU #PopeFrancis #Prolife
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) 2014, 11月 26 Be brothers and sisters for peace, Pope tells Europe #EU #PopeFrancis #Peace — Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) 2014, 11月 26
掲載日 | 2014年11月23日 |
更新日 | 2014年12月4日 |
閲覧回数 | 2,394 Views |
推進・区分 | 録画 |
タグ(索引語) | ローマ教皇メッセージローマ教皇庁動画教皇フランシスコ祈り・福音の教え・信仰教育 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | Papa Francesco: saremo giudicati sull’amore (2014-11-23)(ローマ教皇6福者列聖ミサダイジェスト) |
前の記事 | Papa Francesco: rompere stigma verso le persone autistiche (2014-11-22)(ローマ教皇第29回保健従事者評議会参加者との会見ダイジェスト2) |