カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE – new step forward to restoring peace in the country
- ASIA/PHILIPPINES – National Director of the Pontifical Missionary Societies confirmed
- AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA – New National Director of the Pontifical Missionary Societies appointed
- ASIA/HOLY LAND – Latin Patriarchal delegation visits Gaza: “it is like the cities devastated by World War II”
- AFRICA/CONGO RD – Dismay for the death, only months apart, of the two army officers who defeated M23
- ASIA/INDIA – Catholic school headmaster beaten and detained on false charges
- AMERICA/BRAZIL – Bishops’ Conference promotes television debate between candidates for Presidency
- ASIA/SOUTH KOREA – A missionary says “thank you Pope Francis: now it is up to us”
- ASIA/HOLY LAND – Latin Patriarchal delegation visits Gaza: “it is like the cities devastated by World War II”
- AFRICA/CONGO RD – Dismay for the death, only months apart, of the two army officers who defeated M23
- ASIA/INDIA – Catholic school headmaster beaten and detained on false charges
- AMERICA/BRAZIL – Bishops’ Conference promotes television debate between candidates for Presidency
L’Osservatore Romano
Press Office
Vatican Radio
- Sri Lanka court gives green light to deport Pakistani asylum seekers
- Koreans infected with ‘Francis syndrome’ after papal visit
- Philippine earthquake survivors hope to dine with Pope
- Labor Day: Archb. Wenski on the dignity of labor
- Vatican holds seminar on sport at the service of humanity
- Pope at Santa Marta: Find the Living Jesus in the Gospel (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
- Bartholomew I announces June Environmental Summit
- Pope at Angelus: care for creation and Gospel values (ローマ教皇お告げの祈り)
- NATO prepares rapid force in Eastern Europe
- India urges millions of poor to open bank accounts
- Regional powers try to mediate crisis in Lesotho
- S. Lankan police prevent march for disappeared Tamils
- Church in Senegal calls for calm, prudence after first Ebola case
提供 (Presented by )
掲載日 | 2014年9月4日 |
更新日 | 2014年9月4日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,635 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | 米国で聖書に火をつけた「悪魔」を逮捕(CJC通信,2014年9月4日確認) |
前の記事 | 『イスラム国』が米国人記者をまた殺害か=処刑ビデオ公開(CJC通信,2014年9月3日確認) |