カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- ASIA/CHINA – 20 000 baptisms celebrated at Easter in the Catholic community in mainland China
- Cardinal Filoni in Cameroon, for the centenary of the evangelization of Bamenda, and in Equatorial Guinea
- AMERICA/BOLIVIA – Meeting with the candidates: an initiative of the Church for the October elections
- AFRICA/SUDAN – Christian Churches condemn the death penalty imposed on a Christian woman accused of apostasy
- AFRICA/CHAD – Thousands of displaced children in the Central African Republic left without education
- AMERICA/VENEZUELA – Appointment of Apostolic Vicar of Caroni
- AFRICA/MALAWI – Elections contested: the only thing certain are the irregularities and suspicions of fraud
- ASIA/SOUTH KOREA – South Korea invites a group of North Korean Catholics to the Pope’s Mass in Seoul
- AMERICA/BRAZIL – From America to Africa: Missionary Sending at the conclusion of the First American Congress of IAM
- AMERICA/ARGENTINA – After 10 years, President Kirchner takes part in the Te Deum for the national holiday
L’Osservatore Romano
- The words of Bartholomew
- Francis and Bartholomew sign common declaration
- Shimon Peres and Mahmud Abbas accept the Pope’s invitation
- The Pope’s speeches in the Holy Land
Press Office
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Visita al Muro Occidentale di Jerusalem e al Memoriale di Yad Vashem (ローマ教皇ヤド・ヴァシェム(ホロコースト記念館)訪問)
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Santa Messa con gli Ordinari di Terra Santa al Cenacolo (ローマ教皇司祭、修道者や神学生とのミサ)
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Incontro con sacerdoti, religiosi, religiose e seminaristi nella chiesa del Getsemani (ローマ教皇司祭、修道者や神学生との会見)
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Visita di cortesia al Presidente dello Stato di Israele (ローマ教皇イスラエル首相との会見)
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Visita ai due Gran Rabbini di Israele (ローマ教皇ユダヤ教指導者との会見)
- Rinunce e nomine
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Visita al Gran Mufti di Jerusalem (ローマ教皇エルサレム訪問)
- Pellegrinaggio di Sua Santità Francesco in Terra Santa (24-26 maggio 2014) – Telegrammi a Capi di Stato nel volo Tel Aviv-Roma
- Meeting with the President of the State of Israel: May Jerusalem Truly Be the City of Peace
- At the Chief Rabbinate of Israel: Our friendship is one of the fruits of Vatican Council II
- Pope Francis at the Western Wall
- The Pope at the esplanade of the Mosques: May no-one abuse the name of God for violent ends
- Joint declaration of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: our common search does not distance us from the truth
- The Pope arrives in Israel: Israelis and Palestinians, at peace within internationally recognised borders
- Pontifical Acts – 26 May
Vatican Radio
- Thailand’s King gives mandate to coup leader
- Nigeria: military ‘knows location’ of kidnapped girls
- Eurosceptic parties have huge gains in European Parliament elections
- Poroshenko claims election victory in Ukraine
- Inauguration for Modi as Prime Minister of India
- Ukraine: tensions after presidential vote, airport battle
- Pope Francis leaves legacy of ecumenical and interfaith hope in the Holy Land
- Pope Francis holds hour long in-flight question and answer session with journalists
- Pope Francis: homily in the Upper Room
- Pope Francis at ‘Yad Vashem’
- Pope Francis: discourse to priests, religious, seminarians in Holy Land
提供 (Presented by )
掲載日 | 2014年5月27日 |
更新日 | 2014年5月27日 |
閲覧回数 | 2,155 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | ボランティアさんからの便り③(カリタスジャパン仙台教区サポートセンター,2014年5月27日確認) |
前の記事 | 聖地巡礼:教皇、ベツレヘムの分離壁を前に祈る(バチカン放送局,2014年5月26日確認) |