わたしの教会 絵画andフォトコンテスト (Photo and Picture Contest: “Our Church”)
カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 推進本部依頼 / 終了事項
キーワード(索引語): 募集要項,教区創立90周年
各小教区 主任司祭・信徒会長様
②絵画 水彩、クレヨン、コンテ、鉛筆、油彩など画材は自由。
③写真 白黒・カラーどちらでも可。
項目 | 絵画の部 | 写真の部 |
審査クラス | ●子どもの部(中学生まで) ●一般の部(子供の部以外) |
クラス分けなし |
応募サイズ | ●A3 ●四つ切り画用紙 ●8号キャンパス |
●Lサイズ ●ワイド四つ切り ●A4サイズ |
広島カトリック会館内 平和の使徒推進本部
TEL:082(221)6613 FAX:082(221)6019
Overview of the Contest
The Center for Promoting “Apostles of Peace” of the Catholic Hiroshima Diocese is delighted to announce the launch of a photo and picture contest to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Catholic Hiroshima Diocese. We will be inviting members of Catholic churches in the Hiroshima Diocese to submit their photos and pictures that best illustrate their churches. We hope that many of them would see and observe their churches thoroughly and reflect on their faith through their participation in this contest.
Contestants are encouraged to submit photos and pictures of (but not limited to) “the best place of our church,” “a memorable moment in our church,” and “the most appealing aspect of our church.” Short comments may be attached to their photos and pictures. Although copyrights of photos and pictures submitted to the competition belong to contestants, the entries might be used for posters and flyers of the Catholic Hiroshima Diocese.
The competition is open to all members of the churches in the Hiroshima Diocese. Contestants are invited to submit photos and pictures of their churches. For the contest of pictures, there are two age-based categories, namely children (junior high school students or younger) and adults. For the contest of photos, no age-based category is used. Entries will be judged by the committee members who will be appointed by the Bishop Maeda and the Hiroshima Diocese. The winners of the contest will be awarded by Bishop Maeda during the closing Mass of the Year of Faith and announced in the website and the newsletter of the diocese.
Rules and Terms of Conditions
- Pictures and Photos must be the ones of the churches where the applicants belong.
- Pictures: There is no rule for painting tools. Water color paintings, crayon paintings, storyboards, pencil paintings and oil paintings may be submitted.The size of paintings: A3 size (297mm x 420mm), Yotsugiri drawing paper (380mm x 540mm) or size 8 or Hachigo canvas. But paintings whose sizes are slightly different from the ones mentioned above will be also accepted.
- Photos: Either color or black and white photos will be accepted.The size of photos: Size L, Wide Yotsugiri (254mm x 366mm) or A4 size (210mm x 297mm)
- A contestant may only submit two entries at maximum.
- Entries must be unpublished and original works.
- Only non-professionals may submit their entries.
How to enter
- The closing date for entries: 30 September 2013 (Monday)
- Please submit electronic data of the photo too when you submit your photo.
- As a general rule, photos that are submitted to the contest are not returnable.
- Pictures will be returned to the respective parishes, so please receive your pictures from your parish.
- If a photo is collaged or manipulated, please so state.
- Please write your postal code, address, name, age, telephone number and church or parish on any paper and enclose it in envelop when you send your picture and/or photo.
- Please mail your entry with poster board and the like in order to prevent your entry from being folded.
- Please send your entry by either mail or door-to-door delivery service (takkyubin).
- Please send your entries to the following address:The Center for Promoting “Apostles of Peace”Nobori Machi Catholic Church4-42 Nobori Machi, Naka Ku, Hiroshima Shi, 730-0016TEL:082(221)6613 FAX:082(221)6019E-mail:pcaph@hiroshima.catholic.jp
- For further information, feel free to contact the Center for Promoting “Apostles of Peace.”
Note: Although copyrights of photos and pictures submitted to the competition belong to contestants, the entries might be used for posters and flyers of the Catholic Hiroshima Diocese. If entries are used for a mosaic photo poster of the diocese, the photos might not be identified. Regarding the submission by minors, we consider that consent has been accorded by their guardians to their entries.
応募作品の一部を公開 ※作品の転載を禁止します
絵画部門(制作者名未公表)・・・facebookアルバム(子どもの部門 ・ 一般部門) 気に入った作品に「いいね!」しよう
写真部門(撮影者名未公表)・・・facebookアルバム 気に入った作品に「いいね!」しよう
- わたしの教会 絵画andフォトコンテスト
- 2013年3月22日 旧ホームページより転載
- 2013年7月16日 英語版掲載
- 2013年10月16日 絵画応募作品一部公開
- 2013年10月22日 残りの絵画と写真応募作品の公開
掲載日 | 2013年3月22日 |
更新日 | 2013年10月24日 |
閲覧回数 | 5,094 Views |
推進・区分 | 終了事項 |
タグ(索引語) | 募集要項教区創立90周年 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | 「広島司教区 教会スタンプラリー帳/教会案内」情報提供のお願い |
前の記事 | 広島教区創立90周年ポスター(フォトモザイクポスター)個人顔写真収集協力のお願い |