カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- ASIA/HOLY LAND – The construction work of the separation Wall in the Cremisan have started again; condemnation of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
- ASIA/HOLY LAND – The works of the Wall Cremisan have started again; condemnation of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
- AFRICA/DR CONGO – “Justice and Peace” denounces: “The hunger for money is killing us”
- AFRICA/MOROCCO – The Church in North Africa is directed more and more towards sub-Saharan Africans
- ASIA/PAKISTAN – A Christian disabled brutally killed
- AMERICA/BOLIVIA – First International Congress on human rights and Catholic thought in Latin America
- AMERICA/CHILE – Assembly of Bishops concluded: concern over the violence in Araucania
- AFRICA/NIGERIA – The suffering of displaced women and children
- ASIA/INDIA – The Bishops: pain and prayer for the victims of the explosion at a Hindu temple
- ASIA/YEMEN – Bishop Hinder: we hope that the Pope’s appeal for Father Tom reaches the consciences of his kidnappers
- AMERICA/PARAGUAY – A “children’s clubs” to prevent diseases
- ASIA/CHINA – The memory of the dead in the light of faith urges evangelization
- AMERICA/COLOMBIA – Resignation of the Apostolic Vicar of Puerto Gaitán, appointment of successor
L’Osservatore Romano
- Pope Francis’ appeal at the Regina Caeli – Freedom for people seized in war zones (ローマ教皇アレルヤの祈り)
- L’Osservatore Romano’s weekly edition in Malayalam 8 April 2016
Press Office
- Informazione di P. Lombardi sull’udienza odierna del processo per la divulgazione di notizie e documenti riservati, presso il Tribunale dello Stato della Città del Vaticano – 11.04.2016
- Rinunce e nomine
- Quattordicesima Riunione del Santo Padre con il Consiglio di Cardinali (11-13 aprile 2016)
- Messaggio del Santo Padre al Cardinale Peter K.A. Turkson in occasione della Conferenza “Nonviolence and Just Peace: Contributing to the Catholic Understanding of and Commitment to Nonviolence” (Roma, 11-13 aprile 2016)
Vatican Radio
- Vatileaks II trial continues
- Cardinal Turkson addresses peacebuilding conference
- Pope Francis: Message to peacebuilding conference
- Pope creates new diocese, appoints two bishops in India
- Indian Church saddened by Kerala temple tragedy, offers help
- Permanent Observer: autonomous weapons bring false security
- Kenya: Children plant 1000 trees in Pope Francis forest
- Kenyan Bishops: ICC ruling denies victims healing
- Shakespeare’s Hamlet coming to the Vatican
- Pope Francis warns against those who ‘judge’ with closed hearts (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
- Cardinal Turkson on long term impact of Laudato Si’
- Ukraine’s PM resigns after outcry over slow reforms, corruption
提供 (Presented by )
掲載日 | 2016年4月13日 |
更新日 | 2016年4月13日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,566 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース30本紹介(2016年04月12日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース7本紹介(2016年04月10日付) |