カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- AFRICA/TANZANIA – The Archbishop of Mwanza praises the government’s efforts to combat corruption
- ASIA/IRAQ – Chaldean Bishops: may Christians be involved in the new government
- ASIA/SYRIA – The relics of Mar Elian have been recovered in the sanctuary devastated by Jihadists. Father Jacques Mourad: rebirth of the monastery
- ASIA/PHILIPPINES – The Bishops: “Vote politicians with a high vision and dedicated to service”
- ASIA/INDIA – Intrusion during a Christian assembly: faithful threatened, Bibles confiscated
- AFRICA/CONGO – Calm has returned in Brazzaville
- AMERICA/MEXICO – Award to “Las Patronas”: recognition for solidarity with migrants
- EUROPE/ITALY – Sport and solidarity to restore sight to 100 African mothers
- AMERICA/CHILE – “Mapuche conflict”: another church burned
- EUROPE/SPAIN – National Director of the PMS, Fr. Anastasio Gil Garcia
- AFRICA/GABON – Appointment of the Apostolic Administrator of Franceville
L’Osservatore Romano
- Photography exhibition – The life of a Swiss Guard
- Mass at Santa Marta – How harmony is created (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
Press Office
- Calendario delle Celebrazioni presiedute dal Santo Padre Francesco (Aprile – Maggio 2016) (ローマ教皇2016年4-5月典礼予定)
- Rinunce e nomine
- Avviso di Conferenza Stampa per la distribuzione dell’Esortazione Apostolica “Amoris laetitia”, sull’amore nella famiglia
Vatican Radio
- Ex New Zealand PM to run for UN top job
- Rome’s Papal Basilicas coming to the big screen
- Japan identifies 17th cent. Italian missionary’s remains (シドッチ神父の遺骨発見)
- Vatican Museums promotes blood donation
- Pope Francis: Christian harmony vs contrived tranquility (ローマ教皇朝ミサ説教)
- Refugee’s journey to Rome brings hope for the future
- New Nuncio to Kuwait and the Arabian Peninsula
- Pope Francis prayer intentions for April focus on small farmers (ローマ教皇2016年4月祈りの意向)
- Orthodox Church of Greece on possible papal visit to Lesbos
- NGO hopes Panama Papers scandal will drive change
- Vatican Radio’s Alberto Gasbarri honoured for service
提供 (Presented by )
- Il Papa: il denaro è nemico dell’armonia (2016-04-05)(ローマ教皇朝ミサダイジェスト)
- Intenzione di preghiera di Papa Francesco per il mese di Aprile 2016 (ローマ教皇4月の祈りの意向)
掲載日 | 2016年4月11日 |
更新日 | 2016年4月11日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,187 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース34本紹介(2016年04月06日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース27本紹介(2016年04月04日付) |