カテゴリー(記事区分): 教区取組 / 推進本部取組 / 第2の柱:きょうどう
キーワード(索引語): バチカンニュース,ローマ教皇庁,情報の共有化
Fides News Agency
- AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA – The Bishop of Bangassou: “We are continuously under LRA attack, but nobody talks about it”
- AMERICA/COLOMBIA – Diocese of Cucuta has to deal with the administration of school meals in the city
- ASIA/PHILIPPINES – Cardinal Tagle: “During Lent charity without hypocrisy”
- AFRICA/NIGER – Archbishop of Niamey: “Let us vote in complete freedom, without ethnic or sectarian influences”
- ASIA/UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – The United Arab Emirates create the “Ministry for happiness and tolerance”
- ASIA/TURKEY – Medical report confirms: Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople needs a “guardian”
- AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN – Education and food, not bombs, for Sudanese refugees
- AMERICA/UNITED STATES – The giant sign “Immigrant Lives Matter” has been removed
- AMERICA/UNITED STATES – The giant sign “Immigrant Lives Matter” has been removed
- ASIA/INDIA – In the Holy Year two new priests in Orissa, theater of anti-Christian violence
L’Osservatore Romano
Press Office
- Le Udienze
- Rinunce e nomine
- L’Udienza Generale (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- Comunicato della Sala Stampa: Udienza al Primo Ministro della Repubblica dell’Iraq (ローマ教皇イラク共和国首相との謁見)
- Santa Messa del Mercoledì delle Ceneri e Invio dei Missionari della Misericordia (ローマ教皇灰の水曜日ミサ)
- Audiomessaggio di Papa Francesco per l’iniziativa “KeepLent” del Servizio per la Pastorale Giovanile della Prelatura di Pompei
- Pope Francis receives in audience the prime minister of Iraq: importance of presence of Christians and ethnic minorities and defence of their rights (ローマ教皇イラク共和国首相との謁見)
- General audience: mercy must also reach our pockets (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- Mary, example of tenderness in the care of the sick (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- Holy Father’s Message for the “KeepLent” initiative
- The Pope to the Missionaries of Mercy: show the maternity of the Church (ローマ教皇灰の水曜日ミサ)
- Pontifical Acts – 10 February
- Notice
Vatican Radio
- Missionary of Mercy: called to be icons of Church’s embrace (ローマ教皇灰の水曜日ミサ)
- Pope commissions Missionaries of Mercy on Ash Wednesday (ローマ教皇灰の水曜日ミサ)
- 1st Sunday of Lent – February 14, 2016
- Pope Francis donates 500 rosaries to prisoners
- Card.Koch: Pope’s comments opened door for encounter with Russian Orthodox leader
- Kenya launches Lenten campaign with a city procession
- Apostolic Nuncio to Mexico: Pope to find deep roots of faith
- Pope Francis asks for prayers for the sick (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- New Vatican coins to be released
- Two new priests in Kandhamal, Orissa
- Pope asks for prayers for his meeting with Russian Patriarch (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- Pope Francis meets with Prime Minister of Iraq (ローマ教皇イラク共和国首相との謁見)
- Pope Francis in Mexico: walking through the peripheries
- Pope Francis sends first “Keep Lent” message to Pompeii
提供 (Presented by )
- Pope Francis General Audience 2016.02.10 (ローマ教皇一般謁見)
- Udienza in Vaticano per il primo ministro dell’Iraq (2016-02-10)(ローマ教皇イラク共和国首相との謁見ダイジェスト)
- Ash Wednesday Mass – 2016.02.10 (ローマ教皇灰の水曜日ミサ)
掲載日 | 2016年2月12日 |
更新日 | 2016年2月12日 |
閲覧回数 | 1,261 Views |
推進・区分 | 第2の柱:きょうどう |
タグ(索引語) | バチカンニュースローマ教皇庁情報の共有化 |
編集者 | web管理者(竹内) |
次の記事 | バチカンニュース18本紹介(2016年02月11日付) |
前の記事 | バチカンニュース31本紹介(2016年02月09日付) |